Revelation Through Plants

Day 93 of Quarantine,

NYC has been on lock down now for 93 days due to COVID-19. While in quarantine, I wanted to pick a hobby to keep my mind off of what’s happening around me. So I decided to become a plant mommy. Like any new journey, I was nervous! Will I be able to get it to grow? Can I keep it healthy and strong? The journey was great at first. My herbs were sprouting and growing so beautifully. It was happening so fast! I was extremely shocked with the swift process. When I looked at the seed kit instructions, an important note stated, “when spout reaches 3 inches high, you must cut the weaker seedling at the soil level.” 

Cut? That sounds counterproductive and what if I cut the wrong seedling? Instead of seeking guidance, I ignored that step. My plants were too beautiful to cut and guess what happened? 

It withered and died. Can you put yourself in this analogy?

Growth may look aesthetically beautiful on the outside but sometimes you’re still tied down to some weak roots that need to be cut off. True growth means taking away the weak parts of you that you try to hide from the eye.

We can even use the injustice of this nation as an example. America may have once looked like a strong country on the outside but truth is, it is weak from its racism and systematic injustice and discrimination. The name says we’re united, but the truth is we’re divided. The only way to fully bloom is to cut away the hate. Cut away the insecurities. Cut away the anger. Cut away the racism, bigotry, misogyny and discrimination. Until we learn how to simply look at one another as human beings, this country will continue to wither. 

But what’s beautiful with plants, (as well as life) is that you can always start again. You can always plant another seed. You can even replant from a stem. Take up those broken pieces and replant them by faith. That little bit of love you have left, use that to plant a seed. That little bit of hope you have left, use that to plant a seed. The bible says it only takes a mustard seed of faith and you can say to this mountain move and it shall move.

Everyone has a role in this path to justice, use what you have inside of you to plant your seed, water it, speak good to it and watch it grow before your eyes. 

Matthew 17:20 - For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”  (NRSV)