A Mindset Shift: The Abundant Perspective

Abundant: Present in great quantity, more than adequate; over-sufficient

My perspective on the concept of abundance has changed. I used to think it meant having an overflow at one particular time. Recently, I heard someone on a podcast offering insight on the term abundance that helped me adjust my lens. In the simplest form, abundance is ALWAYS having enough. It is the ability to always have what you need when you need it. There is no lack. This new revelation made me realize that I have been living in abundance all this time and never stopped to reflect on it. In my mind, I thought I would achieve abundant living once I received a higher salary, my dream mate, or even moved to a particular city. However, in reality, I am living in it right now. Even though challenges are present, 

  1. All of my needs are met

  2. I am self-sufficient

  3. I am surrounded by family and friends who love me

  4. I am calm in the midst of chaos

Yeah, this is abundant living…

The problem was that my short-sighted view of abundance had me striving for a destination instead of appreciating what is in front of me in the present moment. 

We live in a culture that is never satisfied. We’re dissatisfied because we don’t take the time to be still and reflect. This is not to say that having ambition is wrong; it’s a great tool for evolution however, what is the motive behind your intent? That is key. 

Our lenses are blocked by; what we think we should have and where we think we should be. We create an imaginary world of lack through this mindset.

This blog, The Millennial Perspective was created to offer another way of seeing and experiencing our lives. To get you to pause, ponder and then progress. Here is a declaration and affirmation I want you to say to yourself when you feel as though you’re living in some form of lack. Because the truth is that inner me can be an enemy and cause you to think less of yourself and the life you have been given.

Everything I need, I already have.

If there is a desire that I don’t have at the present moment, I either don’t need it yet or it’s on its way to me and will arrive right on divine time. 

God, thank you for supplying my needs.

Thank you for knowing what’s best for me.

Thank you for knowing when to drop in blessings.

Thank you for maturing me enough to understand your divine timing.

You will never give me anything prematurely nor will anything arrive late.

I have a greater appreciation of the phrase and scripture; Be Still…

In stillness, you hear God in the silence.

In stillness, you feel God through the air you breathe.

In stillness, you see God in the flow of the trees.

There is an abundance of life available flowing with love, peace, and fulfillment. The only way to experience it is to adjust your lenses.  

Reflect on John 10:10 in these three versions of translation 

John 10:10

  • (NKJV): I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. 

  • (NIV): I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

  • (MSG) I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better than they ever dreamed of.


Holding on to Hope


No Longer Surviving… I’m Living to Thrive