No Longer Surviving… I’m Living to Thrive

Giving myself permission to be optimistic about life… about MY LIFE- Toni Jones; Healing in my Heels

This is an affirmation I am carrying with me into 2022. There are many moments when something good happens, and I became afraid of embracing it out of fear that it won’t last. That fear was valid because there were many instances where that’s how my life played out. Something good happened, and then there was some pain around the corner. But how is that truly living? That is what I call surviving, just barely getting through each day. No more! My goal in life now is to thrive. My goal is to embrace and FEEL every single moment and not respond to life through the lens of trauma. 

In the last episode of the show Insecure, the part that hit me the most was when Issa talked about believing that things will work out and being willing to go through the journey to see if it does. It hits so hard because there are a lot of times when we try to control every aspect of our lives and prepare ourselves for things to go left when often, that doubt we think is real is all in our heads and the only reason why some bad things manifest is that we believed it would. 

What if we put our energy into believing things will work out EXACTLY the way it’s supposed to?

Seriously, what would our lives look like if we focused our minds on the positive outcome? 

What if we put our intentions on living a life full of faith, believing everything would work out, even if it played out differently than we pictured? 

Take a long look in the mirror and say this to yourself….

I will no longer hold myself in mental captivity based on past experiences

I will not live my life through the lens of trauma

I believe that everything will work out for me, even if the path there is not the way I envisioned

I believe God always knows what’s best for me

I am receptive to the future God has instore for me

I trust God with my life

I trust that HE is with me on my journey, even when he seems silent

I understand every detour is just a life lesson not a death sentence

Mistakes only makes me wiser

I am ordained to live a fulfilling life

I am the co-creator of my life

Always remember… it’s not over until it’s good.

Don’t lose hope. Keep your hope tank filled.

Romans 8:28 NRSV: We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

Jeremiah 29: 11 NIV: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


A Mindset Shift: The Abundant Perspective


Be Patient With Yourself…