I am More Than Enough

In Matthew 5:5 Jesus says "You're blessed when you're content with just who you are, no more no less. That's the moment you find yourself proud owners of everything that can't be brought."

How often do we find ourselves in the mindset of lack? 

Well, if I lose some more weight, THEN I'll be attractive.

If I had more money, THEN I'd be happy.

If I am louder, maybe THEN I'll be heard.

If I am more wild, THEN maybe I'll be more fun to be around.

That was me. Now that I'm finding myself, I've come to realize I am fine just the way I am. God divinely created you and I to be salt and light. We add flavor and brighten up spaces with our very presence. 

Remember this: You won't be everyone's cup of tea but to some you are just right. Don't try to add or subtract who you are to fit into puzzles that weren't meant for you. Be content in knowing that there are no prerequisites for you to feel worthy of anything. You are worthy now. You are enough now.


A Letter to the Visionary….


Be Authentic