A Letter to the Visionary….

Dear Visionary,

Your time has come. Your time has come to rise up and take your post. You’ve spent many years building up others' dreams and now it’s time to fulfill yours. I know what it’s like waiting on the sidelines for someone to recognize your gift. Maybe the problem isn’t getting others to recognize it, but getting YOU to see YOU! 

The coach has been calling your name for some time but your fears held you chained to that bench. You’ve created your own safe imaginary world of “what ifs” instead of living in the reality of “let’s do it!”

Want to know what’s worse than failure? NOT DOING ANYTHING AT ALL. I’ve heard a quote once stating “doing nothing is also a decision.” I challenge you to take a stand. Get in the game! The world needs you and your vision. 

Yes, you are SMART enough; a piece of paper cannot dictate that. Yes you are BOLD enough; a title cannot confirm that. God has given us all special gifts and talents that are to be used for HIS GLORY. 

Want to know what part of discipleship looks like? Did you know that you share Jesus by shining your light? When you are operating in the BEST version of you, people can see Jesus inside of you. Stop hiding it.

Let it shine, Let It Shine, Let it Shine!

Meditate on these scriptures

Psalms 94:19 (NLT) - When doubt filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Matthew 5:16 (KJV) - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Quotes for Inspiration

MLK quote (2).png
MLK quote (1).png

To be a visionary means to have foresight. It is to have an idea that can impact others around you and beyond. A vision is bigger than you. It is a gift wrapped up in purpose. It is a journey not a race.

Do you have a burning desire to release? Write it down.

What are the steps you are going to take to manifest it?

*If you feel as if you have one but have not discovered it yet, that is perfectly normal. Everyone has their own timelines. Pray and ask God to guide your life path to be aligned in his will.*’


Be Patient With Yourself…


I am More Than Enough