A Millennial’s Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for life.

Thank you for the opportunity to experience another day, another moment, another time in history. There is so much is havoc happening in the world that can cause us to question our purpose in this space, yet you always send a reminder that we were created for such a time as this. We say thank you.

Give us wisdom to know when to speak and when to just listen.

Allow us to bridge generational gaps through learning from our elders and teaching the youth how to prepare for the road ahead.

Give us strength to endure these troubling times.

We may not be able to escape the fire alone, but with you holding our hand we will get through it.

Give us discernment to know when to move or when to be still.

Help us recognize that you divinely made us human with emotions, and that it is okay to feel them. Most importantly, that it is okay to express them to you.

There is nothing too big or too small to give to you, our heavenly father.

Help us to love beyond our comfort zones.

Remind us of the beauty of being present.

Comfort those who may need a touch. Heal those who may be wounded.

Forgive us for thinking we can ever go through this life alone.

Transform minds from being self-indulgent to community oriented.

Thank you for your presence and light in our lives.



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