Welcome to the Waiting Room


If there is one thing we cannot stand, that is waiting. With the emergence of technology we have become spoiled and feel that an extra few minutes is a waste of my time. What happens now when something you’ve been waiting for takes years? What is your posture then? The harsh reality is there are times when we pray for things and God’s answer is either YES, NO, or NOT YET. The more I pondered on this concept I began to ask myself, what’s worse? A straight NO or the lingering “NOT YET, aka WAIT.” The latter stuck with me because it felt like a grey area. How I look at it is God is like “yeah I got you, but you’re not ready, so go sit in the waiting room.” 

In the waiting room, you come across different people and situations. Some pleasant and some unpleasant, yet each visitor has a purpose as they enter the waiting room. The purpose may be a test or to deposit a blessing, but it is all meant to grow you. This experience you’re enduring is called the “process.” How is your patience during the process? Are you antsy? Are you complaining? Are you constantly going to God asking “is it my turn yet?”  What makes matters worse, you see people who came after you, jumping in front you. Are you secretly jealous?  When you see your loved ones succeeding before you, have you ever thought that maybe God is checking your heart posture?

Can you celebrate someone else even though they have everything you’ve prayed for?

Transparent Moment

I’ve personally experienced ALL of these emotions, especially during these tough late 20’s period. I have close friends that has gotten married, have children, become successful entrepreneurs and I was stuck in the waiting room. I’ve hidden and cried more times I can tell and came out as if nothing were wrong. While in the waiting room, I had to pray for God to mature my heart and mind posture. I had to understand that everyone was given their own life timeline.

With the age of social media, you mainly see the best of a person. This leads to the danger of comparison. However, remember it’s only one perspective shown. We cannot create our own stories of someone’s life based on what WE see.


We cannot create our own stories of someone’s life based on what WE see. 

Don’t lose hope! I’m here to help!

So while you’re in the waiting room of your life, keep yourself occupied by doing these things.

  • Find your PASSION -> This will lead you to your purpose

  • TREAT everyone you meet with love and respect, even if they succeed before you do. You have no idea what their journey was like.

  • Check your MOTIVES! Sometimes we ask God for things just for our selfish desires. We’re HUMAN, it’s okay it happens. But sometimes God has us wait to expand our thinking. To have our desires match his. To pray for things bigger than ourselves. Ask yourself this; would the last thing I prayed for benefit the life of someone else? Or just me? SELF-REFLECT!

  • Lastly, keep a POSITIVE attitude! Trust that whatever God makes you wait for will exceed your expectations. He will not let you go into anything prematurely and he won’t send you into doors that were not meant for you. 

Let God mold you. It will all be worth the wait!

My favorite Scripture during my waiting season

Ecclesiastes 3:11(NKJV)- He has made everything beautiful in its time.  



Can You Spare Some Grace?